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Kids Drug-Free


As a parent, whether you realize it or not, you make an incredible difference in your child's life. Kids who learn from their parents about the dangers of underage drinking, drugs and other harmful substances are less likely to use those substances. In other words, you do have the power to help keep your child safe, healthy and drug free.
Unfortunately, most children will eventually be faced with the question, "should I, or shouldn't I?". Our hope with this page is that we can provide information that will help you teach your children that the only right answer is, "I shouldn't, and I won't!"
Kids Drug-FreeDrug abuse among young people in Dodge County is a constant threat and challenge to our families and communities. As an active member of the SE Minnesota Drug Task Force, the Dodge County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to continue the "War on Drugs" in our communities. Back in the mid 90's, our department became a member of the SE Minnesota Drug Task Force and implemented the first D.A.R.E. program in our area schools. D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) allows us to have trained Deputies teach students how and why to stay drug free. Dodge County Sheriff Gary Thompson was also instrumental in 2002 to help implement the area's first Drug Court program for juveniles.
We have put together a list of many informative drug/alcohol abuse links for you review and learn from. One brochure available free from the "Drug Free" web site is their Parenting Tips Brochure. (Download Keeping Your Kids Drug-Free Brochure) This brochure discusses challenges parents face, how parents can influence their kids, opportunities for starting a discussion and what parents can do and say to keep their children drug-free. It also provides a list of resources for parents and ways for them to get involved in community activities.
The ability to understand current drug-related street terms is an invaluable tool for law enforcement, public health, and other criminal justice professionals who work with the public. It can also be an important tool for parents. If you have a child that you suspect is involved with drugs, it is likely he/she is using slang words, either spoken or written, that are associated with his/her drug use. The Street Terms database is another great tool that contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity.
Kids Drug-FreeAs your local Sheriff's Department, we will continue to do our part in the "War on Drugs" in Dodge County. We take our responsibility very seriously. As a parent, we hope you will remember the responsibility you have - to be a good role model for your the person you want your kids to be.
Three tips on being a better role model for your children....
  1. Be a living, day-to-day example of your value system.
    Show the compassion, honesty, generosity and openness you want your child to have.
  2. Know that there is no such thing as “do as I say, not as I do” when it comes to drugs.
    If you take drugs, you can’t expect your child to take your advice. Seek professional help if necessary.
  3. Examine your own behavior. 
    If you abuse drugs or alcohol, your kids are going to pick up on it. Or if you laugh at a drunk or stoned person in a movie, you may be sending the wrong message to your child. Be a role model — the person you want your kid to be. What stronger anti-drug message is there?
Please forward any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding this web site page to Deputy Jeff Brion in the Crime Prevention Unit #507-635-6215, or e-mail