Burning and Burying Waste
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A burning permit is required prior to burning any brush except when done for recreational purposes. Only "farmers" are allowed to burn some of their household refuse in a burn barrel - only if done in a pollution free manner and only if refuse collection is not available. No person is allowed to burn rubber, plastic, tires, shingles, tar paper, insulation, wiring, paint, treated wood, or hazardous materials. See MPCA fact sheet on burning. 

For burning brush and clean wood Dodge County residents must obtain a burning permit from the Dodge County Sheriff's Department or through the Department of Natural Resoures at 912 Houston St NW Preston, MN 55965. Telephone #507-765-7830 or follow the link to apply for a burning permit online: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/questions.html

Burn Barrel PCA

Dodge County no longer issues Clean Fill Permits. All burying of waste or debris now is permitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Please contact the regional MPCA office at 507-285-7343.

Disposal Fact Sheet

Disposal of Farm Concrete Fact Sheet & Affidavit

Disposal of Structures Brochure